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Interface AddressSearcherResponse

An AddressSearcherResponse describes a response to "searchAddresses" API call.




count: number

The number of the resulting items in total.

data: Address[]

The set of the data that match to the query.

facets: null | Facet[]

The facets of the result that form with the query.

If no facet is given, those will be unavailable and this stores null.

limit: number

The number of items that have been intended, at most, to retrieve from the result.

offset: number

The offset from which the result has been retrieved.

query: AddressSearcherQuery

The query that the search has been performed for.

version: string

The version of the data, in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD" where Y, M, and D represent digits of the year, month, and day the source data became available.

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